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Shiseido - UNO 男士毛孔清透保濕潔面乳 130g (綠色)


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Shiseido - UNO 男士毛孔清透保濕潔面乳 130g (綠色) ✦產品簡介 •有機酸成份配合,可清潔毛孔中的油脂,中和PH值 •性質溫和,配合潔淨油EX成分,具有理想的溶解皮膚污垢和毛孔油污的功效 •平衡油脂分泌,預防暗瘡、抑製粉刺生成,有效清潔皮膚,改善膚質 •使肌膚感到有彈性而不緊繃,柔嫩光滑 •不含磨砂 特含潔膚油成分,是毛孔的油脂和污垢浮出肌膚表面,充分洗淨。溶出式的澄淨潔面,洗後保持肌膚清潔,清透舒爽不緊繃,有效預防粉刺。 適用於男士所有肌膚,有效溫和的去除肌膚死皮,令肌膚細膩柔滑,同時含有抑油與保濕成分,能解決T字部位出油、兩頰偏乾的膚質問題,洗後感覺清爽舒適。 ✦使用方法 取適量本品約1cm於手心,沾水揉搓出豐富泡沫,均勻在臉部打圈按摩,最後用水洗淨。 ✦注意事項 請確認肌膚無異常狀況後再使用。 使用中或是使用後,若肌膚出現發紅、腫脹、發癢、刺激感等異常狀況的話請停止使用,並請就診皮膚專門科。 若肌膚上有傷口、腫脹、濕疹、皮膚炎等異常症狀時請勿使用。 第一次使用的顧客請務必事先於不顯眼處做肌膚測試。 請注意不要流進眼睛內。若不慎流進眼睛,請勿揉眼睛並立刻用清水沖洗。 請避開陽光直射或高溫/低溫處保存。 請保管至嬰幼兒拿不到的地方。 ✦產品規格: 130g ✦產地:越南 (此為平行進口產品)


Shiseido - UNO Men's Whip Wash Moist 130g (green)(Parallel Imports Product)

• Combined with organic acids, it can clean the oil in the pores and neutralize the PH value
• Mild in nature, with cleansing oil EX ingredients, it has the ideal effect of dissolving skin dirt and pore oil stains
• Balance oil secretion, prevent acne, inhibit acne formation, effectively clean skin and improve skin texture
• Makes skin feel elastic but not tight, soft and smooth
• frost-free
It contains special cleansing oil ingredients, and the oils and dirt on the pores appear on the skin surface and are thoroughly washed. Dissolving type cleansing and cleansing, keeps the skin clean after washing, clear and comfortable without tightness, and effectively prevents acne.
Suitable for all skins of men. Effectively and gently removes dead skin, leaving skin delicate and smooth. It also contains oil-suppressing and moisturizing ingredients. It can solve the problem of oily skin in T-shaped areas and dry cheeks. It feels refreshing and comfortable after washing.

How to use
Take an appropriate amount of this product about 1cm in the palm of your hand, rub it in water to rub out the rich foam, massage in circular motions on the face, and finally wash with water.

Please confirm that the skin is not abnormal and then use it.
If you have any abnormalities such as redness, swelling, itching, or irritation after use or after use, please stop using it and consult a skin specialist.
Do not use if there are abnormal symptoms such as wounds, swelling, eczema, and dermatitis on the skin.
For the first time, please make a skin test in front of the eye.
Please be careful not to get into your eyes. If you accidentally flow into your eyes, do not rub your eyes and rinse immediately with water.
Keep away from direct sunlight or high temperature/low temperature.
Please keep it out of reach of infants and young children.

✦Capacity: 130g
✦Origin: Vietnam
(Parallel Imports Product)
