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Maxigenes美可卓全脂高鈣奶粉 1000g


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一款澳洲本土全脂高鈣奶粉 - 味道香濃,含豐富鈣+維生素D - 適合3歲以上的任何人群,包括孕婦 - 特別建議,老年人睡前來一杯,補充流失的鈣質,增強骨密度。 Maxigenes® 全脂速溶奶粉採用 100% 優質新鮮牛奶製成,是一種安全方便的奶粉形式。只需加水即可製作出口感柔滑、口感宜人且營養價值高的牛奶。每一份都自然地保留了新鮮牛奶中的必需營養素,例如鈣。我們的 Maxigenes® 全脂速溶奶粉為全家人提供了多種選擇,可以添加到您最喜愛的食譜或一杯簡單的清爽牛奶中。 適合全家人,包括 3 歲以上的兒童、孕婦和成人。 Maxigenes 全脂奶粉明確標明孕婦和兒童均可使用。是準媽媽安全的營養補充食品。 美可卓 藍胖子全脂奶粉1kg [原裝行貨] 美可卓 藍胖子全脂奶粉1kg [原裝行貨]美可卓 藍胖子全脂奶粉1kg [原裝行貨]美可卓 藍胖子全脂奶粉1kg [原裝行貨]美可卓 藍胖子全脂奶粉1kg [原裝行貨] 0 (0 則評論) 問問大家 搜尋編號︰AS72256 特價 真.係最抵價!! $ 139.00 商戶派送 運費此商品由 熊寶寶生活百貨 直接派送,於本店購買「商戶派送」商品滿$600可享免費送貨服務,否則收取$48運費。運費另計 產地 澳大利亞 商品簡介 Maxigenes® 全脂速溶奶粉採用 100% 優質新鮮牛奶製成,是一種安全方便的奶粉形式。只需加水即可製作出口感柔滑、口感宜人且營養價值高的牛奶。每一份都自然地保留了新鮮牛奶中的必需營養素,例如鈣。我們的 Maxigenes® 全脂速溶奶粉為全家人提供了多種選擇,可以添加到您最喜愛的食譜或一杯簡單的清爽牛奶中。 適合全家人,包括 3 歲以上的兒童、孕婦和成人。 Maxigenes 全脂奶粉明確標明孕婦和兒童均可使用。是準媽媽安全的營養補充食品。 送貨/退貨 由 BEARBABY MALL 1 - 4 日內出貨 由 BEARBABY MALL 出售 此商品不可退貨 此商品暫時缺貨! 請按有貨通知我,第一時間知道補貨情況。 詳細介紹 評論 問問大家 詳細介紹 成分:全脂奶粉、卵磷脂。含有由大豆製成的卵磷脂。 製作 1 杯的使用說明: 將 1/2 杯溫水放入容器中。加入 1/3 杯(35 克)粉末並輕輕攪拌直至溶解。加更多的水補足 1 杯。奶粉可以根據自己喜歡的濃度沖調。 溫馨提示:避免用開水沖泡。開水會造成奶粉中的營養成分流失,衝出來的粉容易結塊;奶粉中含有乳糖,極少數人對乳糖過敏而腹瀉,請遵醫囑。 警告:適用於 3 歲以上兒童、孕婦和成人。要獲得更豐富的風味和額外的營養,請根據您的個人口味或喜好使用額外的粉末。為增強本產品的天然風味,請將復原液態全脂奶粉放入冰箱冷藏隔夜。存放在 30°C 以下,陰涼乾燥處,避免陽光直射。沖調後,冷藏在 0-4°C 之間,並在 7 天內食用完。請將本品放在兒童不能接觸的地方。 產品詳情請參閱包裝上說明。 圖片只供參考,一切以實物為準。


Maxigenes® Full Cream Instant Milk Powder is made from 100% high quality fresh milk in a safe and convenient powdered form. Simply add water to create a creamy and pleasant tasting milk with great nutritional benefits. Each serve naturally retains essential nutrients from fresh milk,such as calcium. Our Maxigenes® Full Cream Instant Milk Powder provides a versatile option for the whole family to enjoy, as an addition to your favourite recipes or a simple glass of refreshing milk.

Suitable for the whole family, including children over 3 years, pregnant women and adults.

Maxigenes whole milk powder clearly indicates that pregnant women and children can use it. It is a safe nutritional supplement food for expectant mothers.

Ingredients: Full cream milk powder, Lecithin. Contains lecithin made from soy.

Directions for use to make 1 cup:

Place 1/2 cup of lukewarm water into container. Add 1/3 cup (35g) of powder and stir lightly until dissolved. Add more water to make up 1 cup. Milk powder can be prepared according to your preferred concentration.


Reminder: Avoid brewing with boiling water. Boiling water will cause the loss of nutrients in the milk powder, and the brewed powder is easy to agglomerate; milk powder contains lactose, and very few people are allergic to lactose and diarrhea, please follow the doctor's advice. 

Warning: For children over 3 years old, pregnent women and adults. For richer flavour and extra nourishment, use additional powder to suit your personal taste or perference. To enhance the natural flavour of this product, please store the reconstituted liquid full cream milk powder in the refrigerator overnight. Store below 30°C in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight. After reconstitution, keep refrigerated between 0-4°C and consumed within 7 days. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN.

For product details, please refer to the package instructions.
