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Dr. Morita森田藥粧三重玻尿酸複合原液面膜 10片裝 [原裝正貨]


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商品詳情 玻尿酸鈉:超保濕因數,可持續全天深層鎖水,避免肌膚水分流失、能讓肌膚水嫩、緊致有彈性,並可淡化細紋。 中分子玻尿酸:中分子玻尿酸,與大小分子玻尿酸搭配,有多重保濕效果。 水解玻尿酸:又可稱為小分子玻尿酸,分子量非常小,可滲透皮膚角質層,保持肌膚水分。 積雪草萃取:有助舒緩鎮定肌膚,抗皺同時恢復緊致彈性。 原產地 台灣 蘊含頂級日本進口玻尿酸, 三重維生素修護, 二重鎖水因數,肌膚瞬間水嫩剔透 。新添加MEDMORI®獨家專利成分及積雪草萃取, 有效提升肌膚保濕防禦力。適用膚質 所有膚質 新舊包裝隨機發送 產品詳情請參閱包裝上說明。 圖片只供參考,一切以實物為準。 Dr. Morita Hyaluronic Acid Moisture Essence Facial Mask 10 Sheets [Authentic product] Sodium hyaluronate - Ultra moisturizing factor, sustainable throughout the day deep water lock to prevent moisture loss, allowing skin supple, compact and flexible, and can fade fine lines. Hydrolyzed Hyaluronic: easily penetrates deep into the skin stratum corneum, maintain skin moisture. Centella Asiatica Extract: soothens the skin, anti-wrinkles and restores firmness and elasticity. Origin Taiwan Hyaluronic acid from Japan, Vitamin & moisturing ingredients help maintain moisture and softening the tissue of the skin. Newly added MEDMORI® and Centella Asiatica Extract to effectively improve the skin's hydration and resistance. Skin Type Normal Skin Random Packing The picture above is for reference only. The real object should be considered as final.
