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Cetaphil舒特膚保濕潤膚乳 236毫升 (綠色)


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幫助修護乾燥性皮膚並維持皮膚的保濕度。 預防乾燥,減緩水分散失,能夠長時間保持肌膚滋潤。 不含香料及任何刺激成份,也不引起粉刺與過敏,適用所有皮膚類型使用。 適用皮膚類型:乾性至中性、敏感性 質地輕盈柔滑的潤膚乳液,能迅速讓皮膚吸收,並滲透至肌底,有助加快達保濕和舒緩皮膚;臨床實驗證實,能即時舒緩因乾燥引致的繃緊痕癢不適,穩定膚況,其保濕滋潤效能更可持續發揮達48 小時,長效調理皮膚至水潤彈滑。 •加入獨特調製的保濕滋潤配方,由皮膚科醫生推薦的維他命 B3、維他命原B5和甘油組合而成,即時為皮膚補水和舒緩敏弱痕癢不適,穩定膚況,並增強屏障防禦力和鎖水功能,令敏感肌回復水嫩彈滑、健康 • 測試實證,只需1星期,便能完整修復及鞏固肌膚天然保濕屏障 • 94% 用家認同使用1次後,感覺肌膚充滿水潤 •通過皮膚科醫生測試;經臨床實證,能溫和地滋潤敏感皮膚而不造成刺激


 Helps repair dry skin and maintain skin hydration.

Prevents dryness, slows down moisture loss and keeps skin moisturised for a long time.
Does not contain fragrance and any irritating ingredients, nor does it cause acne and allergies, suitable for all skin types.
Skin type:  For dry to normal, sensitive skin

Lightweight lotion is clinically proven to instantly soothe and provide lasting 48-hour hydration.

•Specially formulated with a dermatologist-backed blend of niacinamide (vitamin B3), panthenol (vitamin B5) and hydrating glycerin to improve the resilience of sensitive skin
•Completely restores skin's natural moisture barrier in 1 week
•94% of users noted that skin felt fully hydrated after 1 use
•Dermatologist tested and clinically proven to be gentle on sensitive skin
