購物滿 HKD 600.00即享免運費優惠!(適用於 特定的送貨方式 )

白籣氏蟲草雞精CS4 70克 x 16瓶


已售出: 4


冬蟲夏草為中國傳統珍貴的補氣養生良方,補肺益腎,有助提高身體元氣,促進呼吸道健康 白蘭氏®蟲草雞精,選用從青海高原優質野生冬蟲夏草分離出來的Cs-4菌種培植而成的菌絲體,蘊含蟲草酸及腺苷等活性成份 科研證實Cs4之功效可媲美野生冬蟲夏草。與中醫共同研製,以複方概念配合多種補益藥材與上等嫩雞精燉而成,有如蟲草雞湯令成份功效加倍發揮,而且補而不燥,容易吸收 -有助提高身體元氣,促進呼吸道健康 -補肺益腎 -改善睡眠質素 -改善咳喘 -抗疲勞 Brand's Essence of Chicken with Cordyceps Cs-4 70gx16 Bottles Nourish lung and kidney Improve sleeping quality Improve respiratory health Anti-fatigue energy that flows through the body, nourishes lungs & kidney, and promotes respiratory health. Random Packing For details, please refer to the label on the product. The picture above is for reference only. The real object should be considered as final.
