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百年經驗複方,純草本中藥精煉,徹底改善內傷久 咳服後痰化氣平,咳嗽自止 由純中藥製造,藥性平和,不寒不燥,有效舒緩及改善: – 咳嗽反覆發作 – 白痰、稠厚如泡沫 – 因肺氣虛引致氣短及咳喘無力 – 咳聲重濁、胸悶氣憋 – 因久咳引致失音及咽喉不適 咳嗽病症有聲無痰謂之咳,有痰無聲謂之嗽,有痰有聲謂之咳嗽。除了由傷風感冒引起,亦可源於臟腑失調引起內傷咳嗽,病程較長,病勢纏綿,病情複雜,多為虛症。 「太和洞久咳丸」源自祖傳經驗複方,以宣肺除濕,扶正補虛為手段,健脾理氣,杜絕生痰之源,有效止咳、定喘、化頑痰,以達致標本兼治之果,對於難癒纏綿的持續咳嗽、氣虛咳嗽、頑痰不化、久咳失音及咽喉不適尤其適用,服用後痰化氣平,咳嗽自止,誠久咳治本之良劑。 中成藥註冊編號:HKC-03409 功能:止咳化痰,理氣健脾。 主治:氣虛、寒痰咳嗽, 咳嗽日久,胸悶氣喘,痰多壅肺,頑痰不化,喉癢聲嘶,小兒頓咳 。 成份:甘草、桔梗、紫菀、陳皮、茯苓及其他 產品特點: .治標治本 – 以袪邪止咳、扶正補虛為原則,從根本改 善久咳症狀 .100%純中藥成份 – 純天然草本中藥,不含動物成份 .無睡意 – 藥性平和,無副作用 .註冊中成藥 – 安全有效,信心保證 .第三方品質驗測 – 通過重金屬、微生物限度、農藥殘留測試 服用方法:每日早、午、晚各服一次,成人每次服10粒,十六歲以下服6粒、兩歲以下服2粒,幼孩酌減,清水送服。 *外感咳嗽、肺熱咳嗽、陰虛久咳不建議服用 中醫指的咳嗽是什麼? 中醫認為咳嗽分為外感咳嗽及內傷咳嗽。 外感咳嗽即六淫外邪(即風、寒、暑、濕、燥、火)犯肺引致的咳嗽。而內傷咳嗽多屬慢性咳嗽,反覆發作,病程長,主要因為臟腑功能失調、肺氣失於宣肅、肺氣上逆而咳嗽。 久咳是什麼? 中醫認為內傷咳嗽起病緩慢、病程反覆,症候多屬邪實正虛,較複雜,治療以祛邪止咳、扶正補虛為原則,從改善臟腑功能失調、調理正氣方面入手。 為何會脾虛? 不良的飲食習慣、進食肥膩油炸食物、凍飲都有機會令脾氣虧虛,進而引致運化功能失調。 為何會肺氣虛? 重病過後、過份勞碌、久咳或感冒過後,都會令肺氣耗損,加上衛氣不固(即抵抗力弱)。如果肺氣虛,遇有天氣轉冷或變得乾燥時,咳嗽就較難治癒。  


 Tai Wo Tung Cough Pill  12Packs 

Persistent cough due to Qi deficiency; cold phlegm cough; chest oppression and shortness of breath; tenacious phlegm obstructing lung; itchy throat and hoarseness of voice.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the pathology of coughs attributes to disharmony of bodily functions and climatic factors. In addition to colds, coughs could be caused internally by an imbalance of the viscera and bowels.
Chronic cough is regarded as a deficiency syndrome as it is in persistent and complicated condition, which could lead to inconsistent aliments.

Tai Wo Tung Cough Pills are formulated from an ancestral prescription with Chinese herbal medicine. By treating both manifestation and root cause of the disease, the pills help to regulate qi flow, invigorate spleen, diffuse the lung, dispel dampness, nourish and tonify body deficiency; relieve cough and eliminate viscous phlegm from its roots. Tai Wo Tung Cough Pills are especially effective for persistent coughs caused by qi deficiency, tenacious phlegm, hoarseness of voice and throat discomfort.

Proprietary Chinese Medicine Registration No:HKC-03409

Action: Resolves phlegm and relieves cough; regulates Qi, invigorates spleen.

Indications: Persistent cough due to Qi deficiency; cold phlegm cough; chest oppression and shortness of breath; tenacious phlegm obstructing lung; itchy throat and hoarseness of voice.

Directions: Three times a day, in morning, afternoon and evening. Adult: 10 pills for each dose; under 16: 6 pills for each dose; under 2: 2 pills for each dose. Infant: Discretionary reduction. Taken with boiled water.

Active Ingredients: Radix Glycyrrhizae, Radix Platycodonis, Radix Asteris, Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae, Poria, and others

For details, please refer to the label on the product.
The picture above is for reference only. The real object should be considered as final.
