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Yasmin® 優思明® - 全球銷量No. 1最多醫生選用避孕藥系列 -低劑量, 高達99%避孕成功率 -含獨特DRSP - 第4代黃體素, 唯一能有助舒緩水腫及改善油脂分泌的黃體素 -適合關注經期紊亂女士 了解更多產品資訊: https://www.yaz.hk/yasmin 21粒含有荷爾蒙(3.0毫克drospirenone和0.030毫克 ethinylestradiol)黃色藥丸 1. 請根據第一次服藥日子選擇第一粒藥丸位置,在月經週期首天開始每日服食1粒, 避孕效力便即時出現,順着箭頭方向服用,完成21粒後停藥7天, 然後再開始新一排。 2. 妳亦可以在經期的第一天或在妳正常來經後的第一個星期日開始服藥,請確保在服藥的首7天使用額外的避孕措施(阻隔式)。 3. 建議每天大約同一時間服藥,以減低出現不適或陰道點滴出血機會。若漏服, 請參考https://www.yaz.hk/missed-pill 或向醫生查詢。 不是每位女性都適合服用口服避孕藥。如果妳有以下情況,請勿服用混合式口服避孕藥:35歲以上吸煙女士;腎臟或肝臟問題;血液凝固或栓塞病病史;癌症;心臟病或中風;懷孕。混合式口服避孕藥在罕有情況下可能會增加血凝塊、中風及心臟病的風險。選擇Yasmin®優思明®前,請向妳的醫生或醫護人員查詢。 如服用後出現不常見的狀況如腿部疼痛或紅腫、胸口不適、視力有影響、呼吸困難、黃疸等症狀,請立即停藥並聯絡妳的醫生。 服用前,請參閱藥物說明書。 此藥物乃香港註冊藥物,並非平行進口藥物。(香港境內出售非香港註冊平行進口藥物實屬違法) 香港註冊藥物只能在香港境內出售。 Reg. No. HK-48905


Yasmin® the Best-Selling Oral Contraceptive Brand in the World and Most Prescribed Contraceptive Pills Series
Reg. No. HK-48905
- Low dose with 99% contraceptive effectiveness
- Contains unique progestin DRSP:
can help to relieve water retention and facial oil sebum secretion

Learn more about Yasmin: https://www.yaz.hk/yasmin

21 tablets, yellow tablets (3.0 mg drospirenone and 0.030 mg ethinylestradiol)

1. You can start taking the pills on Day 1 (The first day of your menstrual period (bleeding) is Day 1 of your cycle) or on the first Sunday after your period begins. If your period starts on Sunday, start that same day.
2. Take one pill at approximately the same time every day for 21 days, then take no pills for seven days. Start a new pack on the eighth day. You will probably have a period during the seven days off the pill.
3. In case of missed pill, learn more at https://www.yaz.hk/missed-pill or check with your doctor or clinic.

Not all women are suitable for using oral contraceptives. Do not use combined oral contraceptives if you have the following conditions: smoking and are over age 35; kidney or liver disease; blood clots or history of thromboembolism; cancers; heart attack or stroke; pregnancy. Very occasionally combines oral contraceptives may increase the risk of blood clots, stroke or heart attack. Please consult your doctor or healthcare professional before starting Yasmin®
If you experience unusual symptoms such as leg pain or swelling, chest discomfort, vision impairment, difficulty at breathing, jaundice, etc., please stop taking the drug immediately and contact your doctor.

Please read the package insert before starting Yasmin®

This product is a registered pharmaceutical product in Hong Kong, not parallel import. (It is illegal to sell pharmaceutical products that are not registered in Hong Kong)

This product is registered as a pharmaceutical product in Hong Kong and can only be sold in Hong Kong only
